About Us
To train and employ previously disadvantaged individuals throughout the country and to equip them with a competent level of a skill that will interact both theoretically and practically. To enhance their chances of entering the working world and living their dreams. To eliminate poverty, crime, violence by ongoing participation of outlined workshops. To focus on gender and to ensure that equality is given. To focus on people with disabilities on how to provide a workable environment, protecting against discrimination and any violation to human rights. Transform candidates to adapt to the different cultural background of individuals within the workplace. Enforce globalization as it opens up possibilities for the improvement of life for the underprivileged and the disabled. Strategize to transform all faculties and departments both on a local and a corporate level. To conduct ongoing (SWOT) analysis understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Provide essential tools and resources for the upliftment of development within our country. Provide ongoing workshops and training to create ongoing participation within the communities. Provide transparent and accountable projects whereby candidates are able to have ongoing support and infrastructure. Strive amongst all cultures to achieve equality, non-racialism, gender equality, economic growth and mostly to enhance nation building. To ensure the efficient and effective delivery of all services and the creation of a safe, healthy and comfortable training environment. Adapt individuals with skills to operate within a multi-skilled approach to maximize benefit to both the company and the individual. Adopt a strategic, creative and innovative approach to meet new and current challenges. Be proactive in achieving social objectives and maximize economic development and job creation opportunities. Contribute to and create co-operative and supportive relationships within the localized communities and businesses. The unique layout of designing content course material to provide precise solutions. Therefore, a desperate cry for instigation in various career accreditations on a global scale.
In keeping with its mission Global Project Specialist hopes to further the learning programmes as initiated during this program. Our relationship built with the community allows us to indicate that there is a definite need for such training and people are much more confident about themselves after having completed the training. Empowering of such candidates would rub of positively into the communities as national building and healthier living conditions. With such influence of technology and technical skills people are able to fasten the economic growth that they have so missed out on. After decades of apartheid oppression, Global Project Specialist has participated in probably one of South Africa’s most urban and rural regeneration skills upliftment programmes. We are proud to be part of such skills and development projects and look forward to using our expertise and experience gained throughout Africa. Thus, we conclude that being a Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment company we are continuously striving towards excellence in uplifting the skills development sector.